Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I began making these ladies back in 1995, and I continue to be amazed by their Raw & Natural Beauty and Femininity! I created a template that will allow my soft sculptures to use their bodies to bend, sit and use feminine postures as a way to making a point! 
  And because They are SITTING, I have labeled them 
These artdolls can be mounted on any wall in your home. Princess is full of personality and poise. She is one of my favorite sculptures to create. Whenever I am creating a "Princess" I am reminded of how truly beautiful we colored women are! And with the stroke of my pen I am able to exaggerate her curves and really play with the templates.
This Princess auditioned for FAO Schwarz in 2006 and I can tell that the audition-er Loved her. After all, she's not just Beautiful! She's Sensual and Sophisticated! She didn't quite cut it as a children's toy and didn't fit the description of what they were looking for. In the year 2010, I entered her into an Art Exhibit in Trenton N.J.  where me and three of my cousins drove 3 hours and had to rescue her! She had been abducted by the gallery's owner who by the way, claimed to not know anything about my Art Doll, to becoming so irate that he then ordered the five (5) of us out of his gallery. Me, my three cousins and my Princess! On the ride home,we were all amazed at how she played her position with her arms and leggs crossed and her Princess attitude firm. We were all so glad and proud that we were taking her home that evening that it all became worth it!

There is a conversation that is taking place, based on the  body language and poise that these soft sculptures have. We tend to use out bodies as women to communicate. Can you guess what those conversations are about? Women Like to Talk so You've got to use your imagination and think about the things that excite us and those things that are important to us! There really is no wrong answer! This Princess has a whole lot to say because there is a whole lot being said about her. She has her own style and her very own way of doing things!

 I am the proud grandchild of Claude and Georgianna Graham. They raised me and my 3 brothers in addition to their own 7 children. I also had girl cousins so, I was raised in a rather big family which was an  awesome thing!About mind 65, I was Born and born creative, I can remember seeing colors that looked like stained glass from my crib, and the sound of Motown in the background. There were a lot of toys and a lot of dolls! My cousins were both tomboys so they didn't play with their dolls which meant that I always had extra dolls. I do believe that was the beginning for my fascination with making Dolls. When I was 5 years old I remember cutting Mamma's sheets to make clothes for my Dolls. When I showed her what I made, she said how beautiful those clothes were and how TALENTED I was, and then she gave me a big fat hug. When she finished hugging me she then looked me in my eyes and said don't cut  anymore of mamma's sheets! I was proud that she liked my handmade doll clothes and I accepted her compliment about me being talented and also her hugs. I also understood not to put scissors to any more of her sheets, and I never did again! Mamma would give me old shirts to cut up and use. I am grateful to have been raised in a household were my talents were fostered and nurtured.

Being born a female was very significant to me in connection to my Love for Dolls at a very young age! My Dolls are made in the likeness of a Woman, a Girl, a Queen and a Princess! That is who we are, Me, Our Daughters, Our Sistas, and Our Aunties! We are Not Whores or a Bitches or Sluts! We belong on a Pedistal. Don't wait for someone to put you there, Put yourself there. Hone your power Queen! We are all that and a bag of chips and You better know it! We are more powerful than We Know! That is part of the message I want to convey to woman with my collection...



At the show I met so many Artists like myself and saw some Amazing Dolls! I came with my Soft Sculptures and a living Doll and Model, My daughter Fajr! She created her own TUTU and put on some yellow and pink heels and even stuck a lollipop in her hair. It was Magical!


  1. Shaquora, I love that your Soft Doll Sculptures have curves. They represent the essence of a natural woman who display pride and regal beauty. And the live model with the tutu is my favorite. I do hope you will join us for the Detroit Doll Show in December 2013 ( Wishing you continued Success as you continue to inspire the world with your authentic and elegant line of soft sculture Dolls.

  2. Shaquora, your soft sculpture dolls represent beauty and elegance. I also like the fact that your Dolls have curves. It is a reflection of me. The live model doll in the tutu si my favorite. Wishing you continued Success. We do hope you will join us for the on December 14, 2013. Keep up the Inspiring Doll Work!
